Freelance Writing

By Michelle Guillemard I know what you’re thinking: nobody wants to read a blog about medical writing. You don’t want to write for free. There are enough blogs out there already. Right? Here’s the truth: blogging is one of your most important business strategies. It’s a must-have for all medical writers (freelance or permanently employed,Read More

When current AMWA secretary Dr Sarah McKay left the heady world of neuroscience research to try her hand at medical writing, she wasn’t sure it was the right decision, and blogged about the experience here. Four years later, she now knows she made the right choice, and is happy to share a few tips. First published onRead More


It gives us great pleasure to announce that the winner of the 2024 AMWA Early Career Award is Alexa Arganda. Her article entitled "Mind over matter? Exploring the impact of childhood trauma on the developing brain" stood out to this year’s judges for its insightful overview of a complex and sensitive topic.

We hope you’ll join us in congratulating her and look forward to seeing what her future career will bring.

Read Alexa's winning article here.

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