New PDP workshop on 23 July: Add-ins: work smarter & faster in MS Word

AMWA is offering an online professional development workshop Add-ins: work smarter & faster in MS Word’

Places are strictly limited to 10 participants.  So don’t miss out—register now at Trybooking registration

Completion of this workshop will count toward the AMWA PD certificate.

Workshop objective

To introduces four useful Word add-ins (PerfectIt, Editor’s Toolkit, Reference Checker and Phrase Express), and explain what each can do and how best to incorporate it into your work.


In this workshop, for each of these add-ins, we will:

Participant profile

This workshop is aimed at medical writers or editors using MS Word.

It is NOT suitable for Mac users unless they are running Windows within the Mac.

Workshop format

The workshop includes a mandatory pre-workshop assignment and two-hour online session. The pre-workshop assignment  should take no longer than one hour. The two-hour online session is interactive and includes presentations, exercises and discussion.

Workshop leader

Dr Hilary Cadman has worked internationally as a scientist, university lecturer and technical editor (both in-house and freelance). She now works as a freelance technical editor and trainer. Hilary is passionate about finding better ways to work on and in her business.

**Before booking, please note that the workshop will use the Citrix Go To Webinar platform, and you must use VoIP (the computer microphone and speakers, and a headset is highly recommended as this is an interactive session). This is to avoid long distance phone call charges.

Please make sure that your computer meets the system requirements

If you have questions, please contact L.E. Ohman at


It gives us great pleasure to announce that the winner of the 2024 AMWA Early Career Award is Alexa Arganda. Her article entitled "Mind over matter? Exploring the impact of childhood trauma on the developing brain" stood out to this year’s judges for its insightful overview of a complex and sensitive topic.

We hope you’ll join us in congratulating her and look forward to seeing what her future career will bring.

Read Alexa's winning article here.

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