About Me

North Brisbane, QLD
I’m an ex-scrub nurse, turned copywriter. I write marketing materials and patient education resources for the health and medical industry.

I specialize in writing for surgical practices and surgical device companies. Thanks to my years of experience in healthcare I am uniquely positioned to foster trust and engagement through written communication in this area.

The front-line industry experience I gained through my 17 years of nursing, provides a deep understanding of health professionals and patients’ unique struggles.

I’ve stood with you in the operating theatre.

I’ve held your patient’s hands as they went to sleep.

Now I turn dry medical copy into friendly conversion copy that positions you as a trusted authority in your field and fosters authentic connections with your clients.


North Brisbane, QLD


Bachelor's Degree- Health
Masters Degree- Nursing Practice


I've worked in the post-operative surgical ward and in all areas of the operating theatre. I've scrubbed for many specialties but mostly obstetrics, gynecology, orthopedics, and trauma. In 2022 I left nursing and started writing health and medical copy.

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Profile Shot: Natalie Dobbins

Natalie Dobbins

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It gives us great pleasure to announce that the winner of the 2024 AMWA Early Career Award is Alexa Arganda. Her article entitled "Mind over matter? Exploring the impact of childhood trauma on the developing brain" stood out to this year’s judges for its insightful overview of a complex and sensitive topic.

We hope you’ll join us in congratulating her and look forward to seeing what her future career will bring.

Read Alexa's winning article here.

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