Applications now open for the 2019 AMWA Early-Career Award

This is the chance for aspiring medical writers to enter the industry with a splash. The Award is designed to assist in the transition from tertiary education or other areas of employment into full-time medical writing. Applicants for the Award will be assessed on a piece of writing of approximately 1000 words and a short person biography.

The benefits of the Early-Career Award include:

Last year’s inaugural winner of the Award, Nidhi Sodhi, found the experience to be valuable and rewarding:

“This year, as the winner of the AMWA Early Career Award I attended the conference in Melbourne. It was a fantastic event with inspiring and entertaining presentations, informative workshops, and plenty of opportunity for networking. If you’re in two minds, my advice is DO IT!!”

Applications close on March 31, 2019. Further details including the terms and conditions of entry are available here.

AMWA Conference 2024

The AMWA Conference 2024 was a huge success. Keep an eye out for a round-up of the day, plus some photos, coming soon!